The history of country dancing in Scotland can trace its roots back to the early 18th Century. By the 19th Century it was firmly part of the social dance scene along with reels, quadrilles, waltzes and old time dances. The beginning of the 20th Century saw these ‘traditional’ dances starting to fall out of fashion - being replaced with more modern dances.
The Scottish Country Dance Society was formed in 1923 to revive these country dances and to ensure that Scottish country dancing remains part of Scotlands cultural heritage.
Hence we celebrated a hundred years of our 'Society' and Glasgow Branch for Scottish Country dancing on 26 November 2023 - the Centenary.
A Glasgow Herald announcement invited persons interested in "Scots Country Dances" to an inaugural meeting in Glasgow on 26 November 1923.
From this meeting, held at the Athenaeum in Glasgow, the Scottish Country Dance Society was formed... read more. Yes it all started here in Glasgow!
Leading up to November:
Launch in Jan of "100th Anniversary Dances" Book:History of Glasgow Branch +13 dances (pdf version at £5). Contact Margaret.
Glasgow Branch thanks all the volunteers who devised the dances and Màrtainn Skene who compiled and played for them all, including composing many original tunes. Work was done to create helpful videos of the dances, which can be found at https://youtube.com/playlist.
Recordings of all the music for the ‘100th Anniversary Dances’ is available on Bandcamp.
Access is through https://glasgowrscds.bandcamp.com 13 tracks are £15 Single track £2
Main events 2023:
Society Autumn Gathering & AGM 3-5 Nov in Glasgow: View the RSCDS Glasgow demo...
Devised by Carol Ann Knox and Andrea Ritchie with music by Martainn Skene.
They were gven a tight brief to devise a demo using only RSCDS Glasgow dances from our new 100th book and wow didn’t they deliver! Every deviser in the book is featured. Can you spot them all?
An amazing demo with only a very short time to practice. They were all given different colours and shapes and brought it all together leaving us speechless.
Enjoy! (- and congratulations to all.)
Fri 24 Nov Glasgow Centenary Ball: City Chambers, buffet meal, thanks to Glasgow City Council, & dance. A most enjoyable event in a superb location - thanks to organisers! photos below
Sun 26 Nov Celebration at the Athenaeum in Glasgow (100 years to the day!)
Spontaneity: dancing in the street after the unveiling of the blue plaque at 2 pm (outside entrance to what is now Hard Rock Café), and it was dry for the many dancers. photos below & read comments on the 'formal' aspects.
Thurs 30 Nov 'Afternoon Tea' (Glasgow seniors & all); House for an Art Lover; Màrtainn Skene played and there were other 'entertainments' - an enjoyable afternoon.

Photos from events earlier in the year.