Dances - Glasgow Branch
Contact: Margaret Sanders - email: for info or reservations.
We appreciate that Covid and flu are around, so please don't come if you have symptoms.
pdf of Glasgow Branch 100th Anniversary Dances Book:
Story of Glasgow Branch with 13 Dances (£5) see Centenary page
Our Branch Dances are social occasions, see FAQ's for some details.
All Branch Dances are 7.30 - 10.30 pm; Tickets cost £12/£6 [dancers/non-dancers & students]
Paying for Branch Dances by bank transfer is preferred, details
(Ref: is code by dance below + your name. Please pay at least 2 days in advance).
Refreshments - please bring your own mug. (Tea/coffee and biscuits provided).
Dates for your diary. For Programme, click Branch Dance (before the code).
NB: Use of Strathspey Server for Programmes, Cribs, Diagram cribs and Videos. Tips for use.
Fri 7 Feb Branch Dance (FEBD) Nice n Easy, Phil Jones Trio, Milngavie Town Hall, Milngavie. MiniCrib
Fri 7 Mar Branch Dance (MARD) Challenging, Matthew MacLennan Duo, New Kilpatrick Halls, Bearsden. MiniCrib
Fri 11 Apr. Branch Dance. (APRD) James Coutts Duo, Milngavie Town Hall, Milngavie. MiniCrib
Further Branch Dance dates for your diary:
Fri 16 May, Fri 11 July, Fri 12 Sept,
Fri 10 Oct, Sat 22 Nov and Fri 5 Dec.
At all Dances there is a clear recap for each dance. The Dance programmes are varied with old favourites and less familiar dances.
For Dance videos: use videos, and select the dance from list provided.
Nice and Easy Dances often in February, May and November, encourage those who may be less experienced. Dances can be walked through.
About once a year there may be a Challenging Dance or a dance* requiring some pre perusal of the dances (videos are useful), which is aimed at the more experienced dancer.
For more dances and events in the area see Other Events.