Items of Interest
Glasgow Branch celebrated its Centenary in Nov 2023. Among other events, a book of Dances was produced and associated music and videos. Since then we have had other events/items.
This web page has brief information on that Centenary, a Gallery plus other new materials.
The Centenary
The history of country dancing in Scotland can trace its roots back to the early 18th Century. By the 19th Century it was firmly part of the social dance scene along with reels, quadrilles, waltzes and old time dances. The beginning of the 20th Century saw these ‘traditional’ dances starting to fall out of fashion - being replaced with more modern dances.
The Scottish Country Dance Society was formed in 1923 to revive these country dances and to ensure that Scottish country dancing remains part of Scotlands cultural heritage.
A Glasgow Herald announcement invited persons interested in "Scots Country Dances" to an inaugural meeting in Glasgow on 26 November 1923. From this meeting, held at the Athenaeum in Glasgow, the Scottish Country Dance Society was formed... read more. It all started on 26 November 2023 - our Centenary. See Gallery below for the plaque placed 26 Nov 2023, with dancing in the street!
Centenary Items
"100th Anniversary Dances" Book: Branch History +13 dances (pdf version £5). Contact Margaret.
Glasgow Branch thanks all the volunteers who devised the dances and Màrtainn Skene who compiled and played for them all, including composing many original tunes. Helpful videos of the dances were created, which can be found at Recordings of the music for ‘100th Anniversary Dances’ is available on Bandcamp. 13 tracks for £15 Single track £2
Other items
The Magic of Music Book 3 - by Anne Thorn
It has been 10 years since Anne Thorn published "The Magic of Music Book 2" raising £500 for Cancer Research. She has just published "The Magic of Music Book 3" which contains 22 dances with instructions and Keith Rose diagrams. Once again proceeds from the sale of each book will go to Cancer Research. The book costs £8 and can be purchased from Anne at forthcoming dances or by emailing her.
Future items will be listed here ...
24 Nov 2023: Centenary Ball - Click photo to enlarge, then scroll through
26 Nov 2023: Unveiling of plaque at Hard Rock cafe (site of Athenaeum) and dancing in street!
30 Nov 2023: Tea at House of an Art Lover with entertainment.