A moment to reflect

Added on 20 June 2023

On Monday 19th June, volunteers from Glasgow Branch were invited to entertain the members of the Moments Café, a dementia friendly group, which meet in Cathcart Trinity Church Hall twice a month. On the first and third Monday afternoons, the group share an activity followed by tea and home baking. All are most welcome.

The dancers and audience went on an imaginary bus tour of Great Britain, starting in “Good Hearted Glasgow” and finishing as guests at “Mairi`s Wedding.” Sheena added extra entertainment by reciting “The Twa Corbies” before the “Raven`s Dance” was demonstrated at the London stop. The familiar tunes provided the opportunity for spontaneous singing and were enjoyed by all. It was a privilege to be able to support this community group and the dancers have been invited to return.

My sincere thanks to Sheena and Elaine from the Memories Café, Màrtainn Skene for the super music and Liz, Ken, Ina, Douglas, Sheena, Debbie and Marion for the fantastic dancing.

Susan Ewington

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