95th Anniversary weekend

95th Anniversary weekend

Added on 23 November 2018

RSCDS Glasgow Branch celebrated their 95th Anniversay w/e with a formal dance on Friday 23 Nov 2018, an afternoon tea at the House of an Art Lover on Saturday afternoon 24 Nov 2018 and a General Dance on Saturday 24 Nov 2018.

What tells the stories best but the photos?

Cakes were cut:
On the Friday by our own Chair, Margaret Sanders and the RSCDS Honorary President Jean Martin.
On the Saturday by our younger Committee Members, Scott Smith and Eilidh Hart.

Friday:  The formal Welcome to our visitors - RSCDS Hon President, Jean Martin, RSCCS Chair, Andrew Kellett, our own Hon President, Ruth Beattie and Hon Vice President, John Johnson - with speeches, followed by a tasty buffet supper and the all important dancing.
The new dance by Chris Sanders, Glasgow 95 Strathspey, was demonstrated - a three x three triangle set - worth a look.
See the photos here.  Can you see yourself among the happy dancers?
Saturday afternoon:  About 70 Members and friends gathered at the House of an Art Lover.  An enjoyable sociable event in a lovely location, video and some photos.

Saturday evening:  Well over 100 dancers gathered in Milngavie Town Hall - the energy of the young dancers was infectious - see for yourselves.......
Photos here.  ..... plenty of floor space for chatting in the interval.

Memorabilia items were on show, see here.

Photos: thanks to Alasdair Graham (Fri 24 Nov and Strathspey video); Patrick Murray (Sat 24 Nov); Eilidh Hart and Scott Smith (Sat 24 Nov Tea).

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