B & M Highland Games

Added on 10 June 2023

On Saturday 10th June a group of RSCDS Branch volunteers accepted an invitation to appear at the Games. Recently we had not danced outdoors for the general public. Surrounded by the local pipe band, caber tossing contestants and young wrestlers, we found our covered dance display area. The Highland Dancing Competition had allocated us three slots to showcase our teams, during their intervals. Two teams of dancers from general classes and one team was from the Advanced/Very Advanced classes.


General dancers displayed “Good Hearted Glasgow”, “Round Reel of Eight” and “Mairi`s Wedding”. The audience was treated to a selection of two-couple dances, “Lea Rig”, “Ha!Ha! The Wooin`o`it”, and “Black Donald”, followed by the three -couple dances “Inverneil House”, “Adieu Mon Amie” and “Airyhall Delight” from the Advanced team. A huge thank you to Billy Gray for providing live music in unusually hot, outdoor conditions.

To attract potential new dancers to our local classes, the stall displayed leaflets, magazines, newsletters,  about Glasgow Branch and the Society. We had some pin badges and sweets as an additional bonus! While talking to the crowd, we received some positive intentions and interest in the Autumn classes.

Our thanks to the 26 dancers, some Committee and Branch members who helped support the event and Chris for supplying some archive materials. The final thanks are due to Muriel, Anne, and Susan for constructing (yes, there was blood involved!) and dismantling the gazebo and display tables.

Susan Ewington
