HRH Princess Royal reception

Added on 15 September 2022

City Chambers, Glasgow.  Reception for HRH Princess Royal, Thursday 15th Sept 2022.

  It was an honour and a privilege for members of the RSCDS  Glasgow Branch to be extended an invitation to meet HRH Princess Anne at a reception in the Banqueting Hall of Glasgow City Chambers.  The Princess had expressed the wish to meet organisations that held the royal patronage and particularly people who had met Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II during her lifetime.
The day was memorable.  We were treated most courteously by City Chambers staff and courtiers looking after the Princess.  She and her husband circulated the Hall and, sitting alongside members, spoke informally with each guest. We had been asked to bring any memorabilia with us and this was put on display.  Two Glasgow Branch members brought photographic records of meetings with Her Majesty.

It was an auspicious event yet executed with great dignity and simplicity.  We were all most grateful for this, once in a lifetime, occasion and glad to have the opportunity to express our sincere sympathy to Her Royal Highness and to her family on the passing of a much-loved and respected Queen.  Equally, we very much appreciated the honour RSCDS headquarters had granted to us in passing the invitation to the founding Branch.

Sebastian and Ruth
