Added on 07 July 2022
Indepen-dance Gathered Together Festival
On 7 July 2022, two differing communities came together to celebrate the joy of dancing. The festival, which takes place every two years in The Tramway, Glasgow, is held for disabled and non-disabled people to enjoy, express and fulfil their potential through dance. Glasgow Branch were asked to provide a short demonstration, followed by a session where the delegates could participate. The Glasgow team demonstrated “Good Hearted Glasgow”, to welcome delegates who had travelled to Glasgow from worldwide destinations, followed by “A Reel for Jeannie”. Thanks to our teacher, Debbie McAlees and our musician, Billy Gray who supported our efforts superbly.
The delegates enthusiastically joined in the walk through of “A Reel for Jeannie” with supporters providing extra assistance for wheel chair users, those requiring British Sign Language or those with some learning difficulties. Everyone had so much fun dancing together, resulting in the dance being repeated twice as even more wished to participate. Thanks to Debbie for remaining calm as numbers increased! The Festival Organiser stated “It`s wonderful, even better than I imagined”. RSCDS dancers commented that they felt “honoured”, “privileged” and “overwhelmed” to be sharing this experience.
Susan Ewington